House Rules

I am fairly confident my children would describe me as a relaxed parent. I don’t get easily excited and tend to have very few hard and fast expectations. In terms of house rules, I can count them on one hand: don’t use tobacco products, don’t drink and drive, wear your seatbelt in the car and your helmet when you ride anything with wheels, and don’t take juice out of the kitchen.

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Gratitude Once More

As an early career family physician, I was blessed with three incredible mentors. From these family docs, I learned the science of medicine, and more importantly, I realized the necessity of practicing the art. I’ve been working on sharing my gratitude with those who make my life better on the regular, so I’m taking time to say thanks to those who shared so much with me and helped “grow me up” to be the family physician I am.

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The Space Between the Dots

Things are different when you live half-way between Kansas City and Denver. You can’t pop down the street to a great Ethiopian restaurant or head to the mega-mall for a last minute Christmas gift, for example. And there is no anonymity; news in a small community travels quickly, and everyone is part of the community. The line between patient and friend rarely exists. My home address and phone number are in the phonebook; it wouldn’t matter if they were unlisted because everyone knows where I live anyway. And I’m good with that fact.

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