Saying Goodbye
This week marked the beginning of a big change: I shared with my partners, team and patients that I will close my practice at the end of November. Our youngest child is a senior, and the nest will be empty soon. My work in value-based care will generously allow me the flexibility to travel while working. The COVID pandemic has been difficult for healthcare workers everywhere; it certainly contributed to my decision to take a break from clinical medicine. For all these reasons, the timing is right to make a career change to administrative medicine.
I began my practice in Plainville during what could only be called a “challenging” time of my life: I was a young doctor, newly graduated with no training in the business of medicine, desperately looking for a place to fulfill my obligation to serve in a rural community of Kansas after not choosing well for my first job out of residency. Despite my inexperience, I was welcomed with open arms — by the hospital board, my new partner, Dr. Dan Sanchez, and the community. It was clear to me from the start that Rooks County was the right place; I had a wonderful partner/mentor, patients I loved, and a town that felt like home.
For 20 years, I have been part of the healthcare team in Rooks County. I have laughed and cried, celebrated with high fives and my famous “you stopped smoking!” dance, grieved with hugs and boxes of tissue, delivered babies and held the hands of dying patients. I lent a hand, helped find a path, volunteered and was (willingly) voluntold. I found friends among my team and patients alike, received support from many, and benefited in uncountable ways. I have loved it all, even the hard parts.
I am certain this year will hold many emotions: excitement and joy as Chris and I plan the future, gratitude and tears as I say goodbye to the past. One emotion it won’t hold: regret. I am so very proud of my time in Rooks County. Every moment helped me learn and stretch toward my goal of becoming a better human. Every person gifted me with valuable experience, and more often than not, friendship.
To my patients: thank you. My appreciation for your trust, partnership and friendship cannot be measured. To the amazing healthcare team in Rooks County: thank you. You made the last 20 years a wonderful time in my life, and you are creating a bright and healthy future. To my community: thank you. Rooks County will always be tied to my heart; what began as a place to work became my home.
“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.”
Winnie the Pooh | A.A. Milne
The end of a beautiful day, Rooks County, December 2021.