Standout Moments
Life is filled with millions of unique moments - some are challenging, many are routine, and a few are so lovely they really standout. This week held moments in all of those categories; I’ll skip the hard ones this time around and share the best.
Many years ago, one of my first volunteer experiences with the Kansas Academy of Family Physicians was to serve as a member of the communications committee. Back in the days of yore (as my children like to call them), that committee was responsible for selecting award winners, including the Kansas Family Physician of the Year. I still remember how hard it was to choose among the nominees. Those family doctors had served their patients, communities, and our state throughout their careers. The evidence of their life’s work, submitted in the form of lengthy curriculum vitae and letters of support and gratitude from patients and colleagues, was truly awe inspiring.
Year after year, I continued to be inspired and impressed with the accomplishments and dedication of each year’s winner. And this year, I was selected to join that group. I’m not sure I have the words to describe all the emotion this elicits. Surprised, delighted, humbled, honored - those are just a few.
I am so very grateful for the people in my life who contributed to this particular moment. Thank you to my family - Chris, Jacob, Paul, and Maggie - you gave your love and unending support, allowing me to follow my passion and do what I loved: family medicine. Thank you to the healthcare team in Rooks County, Kansas: you helped shape me as a physician and leader, nudged me into being a better version of myself, and encouraged me along the way. And finally, thank you to my family medicine family: the KAFP elected and trusted a pretty new doctor to serve as their president in 2010; that early opportunity opened my eyes to who I wanted to be when I grew up, and opened many future doors.
Being selected as the 2023 Kansas Family Physician of the Year was unexpected, and most decidedly lovely. This moment is going in my standout collection.
Post Rock pals at the KAFP annual meeting, May 2023